This move was created by Super Dragon all the way back in the year 2000 and has four key variations, including Torture Rack, Fisherman Driver and Pump-Handle setups into this devastating drop. Wins title, then chucks it out of the ring. Thankfully Lesnar was able to finish the match and emerged relatively unscathed beyond the initial concussion. Well, this would be one of the defining moments of his career and a true Wrestlemania moment, but most probably not for the reason he originally expected.Ī slight hesitation on the initial jump meant that Lesnar couldn’t quite get the full rotation on the move, causing him to come crashing down head first, instantly concussing him and leaving onlookers concerned this might be the end of his career. In the quest for a finish worthy of a Wrestlemania Main Event, Brock confirmed that he was convinced backstage to bring back the move and etch his big win into the history books. An even faster ascension than his Mania 19 opponent, the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle. Lesanr had one of the fastest ascensions to the top in history, going from dark matches to the main event of WrestleMania in just one calendar year. Lesnar stopped hitting the move when he made it to the main roster, most probably to stop exactly what you’re about to read about from happening.

That’s right, if you go back and watch Lesnar’s old OVW and dark matches, you will see him execute the manoeuvre with absolute ease. The daring Shooting Star Press was invented by the legendary Jushin Thunder Liger before it was further popularised in the west by Billy Kidman and Paul London before finding its way to a near 300 pound Brock Lesnar. What’s unique about this entry is that the danger for this move lies more so with the one delivering it. It didn't quite go to plan 😱 #WrestleMania /X8l9SmrVL2 This still makes us shake our heads in disbelief 😳īrock Lesnar attempted the Shooting Star Press at WrestleMania XIX… In later years the move has been borrowed by the likes of Brian Kendrick who used it in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic against Kota Ibushi and also more recently by AJ Styles hitting it on Matt Riddle. The move was used only seven times by Kobashi across his career, with no one ever kicking out, making it one of the most protected moves in the history of pro wrestling. The move was first executed by Kotetsu Yamamoto all the way back in the 70’s, before it was popularised by Kobashi. So not only was Kobashi going to drop you on your head, but he’s kind enough to do it from a shoulder height position. If you haven’t seen this beauty in action, it’s effectively an inverted Attitude Adjustment or inverted standing Death Valley Driver for all you pro wrestling purists out there. How could one forget about the devastating Burning Hammer.Īs the finisher of the legendary Kenta Kobashi, the Burning Hammer starts with the opponent in the torture rack position before throwing the opponents legs from one side over to the other. The Ganso Bomb isn’t the only classic All Japan move that will result in a visit to the hospital. Kenta Kobashi hits his Super Finisher “Burning Hammer” on Akiyama – NOAH () /zECKTLeHeO The move is rarely seen in it’s original form, but has been since modified into a safer version, by AEW heavyweight contender Brody King, who refers to his sit-out variation as the ‘Gonzo Bomb’. Perhaps it’s best this wasn’t the common terminology used as it would have left a confusing situation where a cross between a Powerbomb and a Piledriver is now known as a DDT. The head drop was known in the AKI releases as the hangman’s DDT, which when you consider the mechanics of the move, makes a lot of sense. This horrifically dangerous move was immortalised in both Virtual Pro Wrestling and No Mercy for the N64. In fact, whilst Kawada gets the credit for inventing the move that would go on to be called the Kawada Driver, it was in fact Rick Rude who hit The Ultimate Warrior with the first-ever Ganso Bomb on WWF television a decade earlier.

However, the Ganso Bomb, wasn’t exclusive to hard hitting heavyweight Japanese wrestling. The story goes that the move was stumbled upon by Kawada who whilst being countered with a Head-Scissors from Misawa, decided to just drop to the mat, effectively Powerbombing and Piledriving him at the same time.

The Ganso Bomb literally translates from Japanese to the ‘Originator Bomb’, but is also known as the ‘Original Bomb’. If you’re looking for a way to maximise the chances of legitimately ending your opponent’s career, this move is a solid choice.