To do this, you must follow the instructions indicated at the time you request their consent or notify in writing Minors users Regarding the personal data of the minor users, “Fun Shooting Games” guarantees that this information will not be used for purposes inappropriate for their ages and will take into account in particular that age, as well as the understanding, conscience and maturity of this type of public and will never request information regarding the economic situation or personal data about their families. “Fun Shooting Games” informs Users that they may exercise their right to object to receiving this advertising information.

“Fun Shooting Games”, in accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, will not send Users of the web pages and / or applications any type of advertising, commercial or promotional information without the authorization or prior consent of the Users. The User can exercise the rights of access, cancellation and rectification by communicating it in writing to the aforementioned corporate address or to the following email address: The security and confidentiality of the information that the User provides is important for “Fun Shooting Games”. The User will be responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data provided, which may be modified if necessary by sending an email to “Fun Shooting Games” shall not be liable for any consequence or damage that may arise from the non-exercise of this User’s obligation. SECOND.- IDENTIFYING DATA: For the purposes of communications and notifications in relation to the Privacy Policy, the following contact address is established: “Fun Shooting Games” Email: PROTECTION OF DATA: “Fun Shooting Games” will inform Users of the web pages and / or applications if it is mandatory or not to provide the data to access the contents and / or services offered. For its part, the User assumes in the activities and uses made of the pages of “Fun Shooting Games” and / or applications the obligations derived from the LOPD, RPDP, as well as any other development regulations, including those recommendations and instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. “Fun Shooting Games”, as the person in charge of the personal data that could be obtained, is committed to the fulfillment of its obligation of responsible for the treatment of said data in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter “LOPD”) and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, protection of personal data (hereinafter “RPDP”). In the event that the User is not of legal age and / or is not in agreement with these terms, the User should not use the pages “Fun Shooting Games” and / or applications. It is therefore recommended to the user (hereinafter “the User” or “the Users”) to carefully read these rules before accessing the pages and / or applications of “Fun Shooting Games”, as well as to consult them regularly. The use of the pages and / or applications of “Fun Shooting Games” attributes to the visitor the condition of user and supposes the acceptance and fulfillment of the Conditions of Use, as well as the knowledge and acceptance of the Privacy Policy. so you can surf safely on this website and / or applications.įIRST.- OBJECT: This privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) regulates the data protection rules and security measures applied by “Fun Shooting Games” in its web pages and / or applications.

It is very important to understand the security rules to protect your privacy before you start surfing, playing and having fun through our website and / or applications, so we ask that an adult / adult who represents you read these rules to you. Welcome to this web page! If you are a minor, please notify your father, mother or guardian so that you can read this text together.